Sunday, September 30, 2007

Saturday Night

On Saturday night, we gathered at The Roselawn in New York Mills for dinner and dancing. Harold Haggarty and his wife (above) were there. The next photo shows the handcrafted candy boxes Natalie Krohn made as table favors. Next to the candy box with the UFA picture are key chains from the UFA Alum Assoc. It was festive and fun with a casual feel. We had a prime rib buffet and Italian pasteries for dessert. Dennis Thompson from the Alum Assoc. spoke briefly. Click on the video to hear his remarks. Red, Hot and Wild provided the music but, truthfully, classmates were awfully busy trying to talk to old friends to dance much. Jacqueline Glinecki brought 2 of her paintings to display along with memorabilia from the Alum Assoc.

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