Friday, September 21, 2007

Utica Free Academy Class of 1967 Reunion Committee

The 2007 Reunion story - to mark 40 years since graduation - starts with recruiting Larry Schecter to be chairman. Not a job for the faint of heart due to the work involved!!!! But Larry dove in and, as you know, did a tremendous job.
Our first committee meeting was on a February night amidst a blizzard that blew in from the Tug Hill plateau. Our loyal band included Frank Marrotta and his wife Roberta, Fred Carncross, Sandy Hoerle, Betty Hartz, Dyana Stovall, and Karen Knott. Distance members were Natalie Krohn, Annette Pelowski and Sandy Zimmerman. Over the months, we became good friends. . .all over again! We orginally booked a venue called Kitty's on the Canal. In true Utica form, local politics intervened and the restaurant fell into multiple legal issues with the city and closed! So it was back to square one as we scrambled to find a suitable location for the dinner dance.
The picture shows one of our meetings as we hashed out the logistics and details. . .although we were long past snow season!

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